Townhall 2022

Townhall 2022 - News & Update - ACASIA

Our annual townhall was held yesterday, and due to the rise of COVID-19 numbers, we were unable to hold it in physically, but that didn’t stop us ACASIANS from conducting it virtually.

Unlike prior townhalls, we took it up a notch by involving our staff with a music band and singing together as a manner of engaging with one another while remaining focused on the event’s purpose and goal.

#acasia #hci #globalsdwan #aseansdwan #townhall #ACASIANS #employeeengagement

#regionalexpansion #aseanconnectivity #mpls

#sdwan #connectivity #ASEAN #hyperconvergedinfrastructure #globalexpansion

#aseansdwan #globalsdwan #cloud #privatecloud #network